BAD BITCH EMPIRE had our official launch at the Bitcoin Conference in Miami and announced our mission of onboarding one million Bad Bitches to invest in crypto with over 1500 RSVPs and powerful women and allies in web3. See the full press coverage on BlockTelegraph: Bad Bitch Empire Breaks The Crypto Boys Club, Launches at Bitcoin Conference.
MIAMI, FL – April 14, 2022 – BAD BITCH EMPIRE, the premier crypto investing club for women, announced its mission of onboarding “one million Bad Bitches to invest in crypto” at the Bitcoin conference in Miami. The decentralized platform combines media, education, and investments to help women “build unapologetic worth and wealth in web3.”
“The next unicorns are being built on the blockchain,” said Lisa Carmen Wang, Founder of BAD BITCH EMPIRE. “Blockchain’s fundamental goal is access, transparency, and fairness. We can’t afford to have another boys’ club. Women must become integral players and investors in Web3.”
To celebrate the launch, BAD BITCH EMPIRE hosted an exclusive event during Bitcoin Miami bringing over 1500 new members and allies.
Notable members in attendance included Samantha Lewis, Web3 Investor at Mercury Fund, Shannon Snow, Head of Entertainment at Meta and Instagram, Elizabeth Tan, General Partner at Intent Fund, Katia Zaitsev, Cofounder at, and Alex Lombardo, Cofounder of HerHouse.
“Lisa’s core values and mission to get one million bad bitches investing in crypto is exactly what Web3 needs right now,” said Katia Zaitsev, BAD BITCH EMPIRE member, “One million is just the start.”
In addition to bringing women into Web3, BAD BITCH EMPIRE partners with allies, men committed to supporting and sharing the best Web3 deal flow to ensure women are represented on cap tables.
“There is a very real gender wealth gap across the investment and crypto spaces,” said Karim Nurani, Bad Bitch Ally and CSO of Linqto. “We’re excited to be a Bad Bitch Ally, and work with Lisa Carmen Wang to build the next stage of unicorns on the blockchain with primarily female investment.”
Notable allies in attendance: Karim Nurani, CSO of Linqto, Omer Ozden and Kevin O’Brien, Investors, RockTree Capital, Andrew Durgee, General Partner of Republic Crypto; Pavan Bahl, CEO of Bellwether Culture, Alex Lin, Head of Research at Shima Capital, and Pratap Penumalli, Head of Galaxy Labs.